This happens shortly after starting the sexual act and therefore has devastating effects on a man's sexual confidence as well as hurt his sexual partner. This can therefore cause a rift in your relationship if this condition is not handled.
There are several causes to this condition and this could be due to either physical or psychological causes. Physical causes could be due to having a weak penis. This could be due to weak nerves connecting from the penile region making one very sensitive to any little sexual stimulation. This leads to premature ejaculation when one tries to engage in sexual activity. Psychological causes could be due to anxiety being experienced by men who are already worried about their sexual performance.
For a sustained erection, you require unrestricted blood flow to the penis. Niacin which is also called Vitamin B3 has the ability to provide your body with the energy that it requires as well as improving your blood circulation in the body as a vasodilator. This also helps in increasing the size of your penis as well as enables a longer lasting erection.
All these factors are geared towards promoting sexual control thereby preventing premature ejaculation by prolonging your sexual activity. The ability to control your ejaculation helps you and your partner to enjoy other aspects of intimacy like fore play and romance without the fear of having a quick climax.
Last longer sex pills therefore help in dealing with premature ejaculation as well as cure underlying factors that cause this condition. Improved sexual performance will in turn improve your relationship with your partner as well as improve your self confidence.