Nutritional treatment of deppression, stress and anxiety can include two of the amino acids: DLPA (Dl-phenylalanine), which increases levels of noradernaline and dopamine in the brain, and GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), which is gaining popularity for its anti-anxiety effects.
The latter is derived in the body from glutamic acid and acts as an inhibitor neurotransmitter. That is, it slows down the frantic activity of the nerve cells in the brain's lymbic system, which is the body's emotional alarm bell.
Calcium is a well known calming mineral which can even alleviate insomnia if taken at bedtime at doses of 500mg.
Helpful vitamins for treating stress and depression are Vitamin C and Vitamin B, especially B1, niacin and pantothenic acid, while beneficial herbs include hawthorn, kava kava, linden, St John's wort and Valerian.
Among the foods that can acerbate depression and anxiety and should be avoided are white sugar, white flour, caffeine and a high-fat diet. Similarly, alcohol consumption and smoking should be reduced or cut out completely.
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